Singin' the Bobby Flay blues

Friday night. Date night. Rush home and kiss the man you love. All of the couples in the world are doing it, too. I never thought I'd get there. Never thought I'd have someone to rush home to at the end of the day. Speeding on the interstate. Friday night outfit.
This Friday, I decided to make fish tacos for date night. I had two ears of sweet corn from my CSA delivery, and some of that gorgeous yellow/green squash to grill on the side. Lee was nice enough to do the rest of the shopping on Thursday night--he made an Equadorian friend at Publix who helped him find such exotic veggies as avocado, cilantro & jalepeno. I found a bobby flay recipe on the food network. I marinated the fish (tilapia) in coarsely chopped cilantro and jalepeno, ancho chile powder and canola oil. We grilled up the corn in the husk and added the squash at the last minute to get it nice and tender.

I assembled the tacos-with the grilled tilapia, the sweet corn and tomato salsa (sans avocado-the equadorian sold Lee a bum avocado that wouldn't be ripe til next week), and some cheese. We popped the tortillas on the grill for a few minutes.

I'm here to sing the bobby flay blues because Lee called the tacos "bland"--and he's right--they were. Despite all of the flavors, the grilled sweet corn, the hot jalepeno, and the spicy fish, the tacos fell flat. They tasted fresh, and the texture was great, but the flavor didn't blow us away.
Luckily, all I need to feel satisfied on a Friday night is a soft place to fall. And one who grocery shops and does the dishes is a bonus I could never refuse.
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