Prince would be proud

Its Wednesday! Veggie delivery day. I had completely forgotten when Anne burst into my office carrying her giant brown bag. Next week, I'll be sure to capture her in this stance. She was balancing a large, round watermelon in one hand and the bag in the other. It was very Dirty Dancing meets community agriculture.
She quickly unpacked her goods---a giant bag of tomatoes, and a smaller pack of baby tomatoes. I encouraged her to take the watermelon since she had so valiently carried it from the pick up place, to my office. I like to give her the good stuff first.
I claimed my bounty, and you'll see it pictured above. Fun stuff. Purple basil (that's where Prince comes in), a delicate mini cabbage, a fraternal twin-different but the same-mini boston lettuce ball. More squash with identity problems (green or yellow?), two garlics with strings attached and one red onion. Also, a small stalk of rosemary.
This week, I need to use up all of these squash. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know its unhealthy, but I think I'll fashion them in a casserole. I'm going to use the purple basil in a thai curry. Emily & Sami brought me authentic curries from Thailand last month, and I think that the purple basil would go perfectly in the panang curry.
As for the mini lettuces, they'll be attending a child's tea party. Teddy bears will enjoy lettuce wraps and tea, and imaginary sugar cubes will be added to china tea cups.
Can't wait to cook up my new friends.
One closing thought-sadly, my herb garden has been neglected. So has my cat. I haven't been home much lately. I'm showing you the neglected pair. They asked me to post their photos in the hopes that they would receive some sympathy....

Sarah, take care of your cat and your herbs-- they need you! BTW, I saw Prince a few weeks ago at Radiohead in L.A. He sat behind me and I practically stared at him all night long...he's very short!
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