Decatur Beer Fest

Festivals are my favorite sport. You won't ever find me cooking food on a portable grill in the parking lot of a stadium, but you can darn near find me at almost very festival this great city has to offer. I'm missing Wine Fest for Christianne's wedding, so it was imperative that I make a good showing at Beer Fest.
Kathleen and I had a fun time tasting (both of us), helping people avoid broken glass (neither of us-but some guy was very helpful), running into people we went to highschool with (her), running into people I admitted into the b-school (me), and generally tasting a lot of good stuff.
So-in honor of beer fest, let me know if you have a good recipe that involves beer. I have bad memories of beer can chicken from college, and my mother will sometimes try to actually be One with the State of Wisconsin by boiling bratwurst in beer before grilling it...but besides that, I'm dry. Help me out? Beer recipes? Come on, Charles and Lisa are looking at you with puppy-dog eyes...

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